It’s been a few weeks since Halloween and a day or 2 longer since I posted last. I’ve been too busy actually doing my university work to show it to you guys but hopefully I’ll change that soon. But the topic of this post is Halloween and not my work so I’ll get on with it.
This year for Halloween, since I’m actually in big enough circles and had enough places to go to have a reason to make an effort, I decided to make a costume. I overconfidently decided to go for Bender from Futurama.
I didn’t spend nearly enough time on it for it to be nearly as impressive as some of the Bender outfits I’ve seen around on the internet but it impressed my friends a lot. It took me about a day and a half to two days (including drying time) to put together. It’s constructed completely from thin card, masking tape and papier-mâché. The paint job was grey matte spray paint and poster paints. Arms and legs consist of a pair of disposable overalls with lines drew around with a fabric pen. I was too short for time, or too lazy to do the hands and feet but that would have probably made the night even more difficult to navigate. I was able to see perfectly from a gap in the bottom of the mouth and my movement wasn’t heavily restricted. The biggest problem of the night was talking to people; no one could hear a word I was saying unless I removed my head.
Drinking wasn’t as a big a problem.

The only thing that could have made Halloween better would have been spending some of it with my little girl. That goes for most days though I guess.
I'm in a sketch exchange with a guy called erq from polykarbonbbs right now so I'll post some of the stuff I produce up after I have a few more images complete. I'd post now but I think it'd be better to see a few at once.