Thursday 11 January 2018

While I'm here...

Since I called by recently to address the lack of images on some posts, pending my fixing them of course, I figure I may as well update anyone interested in what I've been up to.

That forgotten project? Still forgotten.

That Sculpey I received? Still unused.

I've been through a lot in my personal life and it interferes. I'm always going through a lot. Being a person doesn't come easy to me; when I feel like I've got a handle on the whole thing, someone else throws a spanner into the works.
It's easy for the motivational posts on Facebook to insist that we are the architects of our own lives, but life feels more like a group project and as social animals we rely on other people. And quite frankly, we're not very reliable animals for the most part.

I have goals and targets. I have things I want to achieve in my lifetime. It's not a very concise bucket list. It's flexible and that can be a problem I guess. Why would that be a problem? Well, I'm not a creature of habit. I'm struggle to get into a flow when it comes to personal projects. I find my self jumping into things on a whim and slowly but surely drift away, sometimes as a result of outside interference. I'm very easily distracted. Other times, I just find myself drifting on to the next personal project without finishing whatever I was previously doing.

It's all very frustrating. I rarely get anything finished.

What currently has my attention? It's a difficult question to answer. If I put it down into words then when I inevitably come back after failing to see it to completion, I'm left with another stain on my character for all to see. I'm aware of my shortcoming, so I don't need another reminder. If I vaguely confess to being enrolled on several (many many) online courses that should lead to... something, I guess that's... something? Right? Tackle my goals in smaller steps. Gain some useful skill and work on my commitment to my aspirations. Seems easy enough.

Maybe I'll be back soon celebrating a small victory?

Or maybe I'll be back in a few years to eat these words after forgetting this blog even exists yet again?

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