Monday, 21 July 2014

Meanwhile... (Part 2)

Let's jump into the past for a moment and take a look at some of the stuff that I managed to get done after I began to neglect my web presence.

The sketch exchange over on Polykarbonbbs continued, though with some delays that were pretty much all my fault. The other participants were Professor Az and jeco, and we were concentrating on portraits from reference.
Here are my efforts for the rest of that unfortunately short-lived exchange (without the reference images because I can't be bothered to find them).

The third image was of a toddler and was chosen by jeco.

The fourth image was of Eva Mendes and was chosen by Professor Az.

The fifth image was of Jeff Bridges and was chosen by myself.

The sixth image was of Kelsey Grammer as X-Men's Beast and was chosen by jeco.

I managed to put in some major delays between posting these images. From getting the Eva Mendes reference image up until posting my finished piece, 9 months passed. Jeff Bridges only took me 3 hours, which surprised me. And then they had to wait 8 month before they got my effort at Beast.
Professor Az posted the next reference after I finally posted Beast, but I think I can take full responsibility for the entire thread dying at that point before anyone even attempted the latest reference.

Monday, 14 July 2014

Hello (again) internet

Prior to the previous post, which is a blurb about me that's vague and not entirely useful to anyone, I've noticed that I vomited a lot of words that really offer no insight to whatever cockamamie thoughts I was having ~ while my fingers danced their merry dance all over the keyboard. Seriously, what the stuff was I talking about in that last post?

Something about committing to a project? Personal growth? Getting a ball rolling?

Yeah, okay, I admit it. I kind of know what I was saying. But I wish I hadn't said it. Besides not being very coherent and a bit repetitive, it shows a major character flaw that I have. Or had. I'm not really sure right now.

The post is about how I was going to get something done, I was going to make a start on a project and try to see it through. Unfortunately, I failed. And now that post has became sort of an ironic stain on this blog. I'm not planning on removing it though, the four year gap is a nice stark reminder of just how long I'm leaving things. Hopefully it will remind me not to procrastinate so much.

All that said though, I don't actually intend to pick up where I left off just yet. I got given some Super Sculpey for father's day and I really want to play with it before I go on to do anything else.

Monday, 7 July 2014

About Stephen

STEPHEN MACDONALD is the artist behind more than several bits of art, all of them seemingly leading to something that's just out of reach. A Jack of all trades but master of none, Stephen frequently bounces from one style (and even material) to another with great enthusiasm. Among his most recent are digital paintings of Beast (from X-Men), Jeff Bridges, A robot of some sort, and various other bits of junk. Untitled (for lack of a better title right now) is a long form sequential that first started growing in his mind way back in 2001, he's dabbled with art and story for it since and he hopes to produce something from it before he gets too old to remember the ins and outs of it all. He lives in Hartlepool, England, with his family.